
So I have a few articles written but…

I just don’t feel they (the articles) are up to the same quality that I (at least in my mind) have been putting out. One is about the game series Blaster Master and the other is Sid Meiers Pirates! I kept going off script in my articles as I had just purchased the highest level of the game Civilization 7 and the crap I experienced would get my blood pressure rising.

I was given 2 days early access and up to 2 hours to return it (Civ VII) on Steam. I lasted about 50 minutes before I finally turned it off and hit the return option. But that’s another article / (warning) RANT I have written. It’s a rant as I have been playing Civilization since V2.0 on Windows 3.1 and a CD-ROM! I don’t know what order I want to release these articles so until then they are sitting in a few text docs on the old Macbook Pro Max M4. I gotta say that as I HATE WINDOWS and am a Mac-only person (yup one of those) but I have to use CodeWeavers Crossover (take a read of my review on this) to get my vast library of games to work…

So in conclusion I just don’t know at this moment what to finish and put out. Hopefully, it’s nice and sunny tomrrow we are under a storm winter storm advisory and are getting hit. If can get some natural light to take photographs of my Game and Watch Gallery Collection I will. Again the article is started but I was not happy with the lighting that I have (2 big windows). My room lamp in the game room isn’t an LED and puts off that orange light… IF need be I’ll use my standing desk lamp that has 5 different lighting modes. However, I didn’t get them open today (they are each wrapped in plastic NES Manual bags).

I also don’t want to use Wikipedia unless I have to. I always like to write based on my experiences but sometimes ya just need dates or that one piece of info you can’t think of at the time. I ALWAYS have and ALWAYS will call out when I gather content from Wikipedia or another source.

So please excuse the lack of posts today my mind is in a jumble sitting here with so much content! But until tomorrow here’s a picture of some A-Team Toys (enemies) from back in the day!

New posts going to hit multiple times Sat / Sun.

Sorry, everyone, medical crap is in the way again. BUT! I almost have done the following article: PreNES and during NES: The Game and Watch toys. I also will be posting some random things in most categories of pictures I’ve found on the interwebs. The sad thing is these photos get passed around so much that you have no idea who took them or the artist who made them. So as usual I will do my best to credit when it’s possible. It’s NOT that I don’t want to it’s just that a lot of the time posters don’t credit either. And NO it’s not from facebook/X/Bluesky any social media platform unless you count Tumblr that’s the only one I use and I don’t even post or repost. So anyway look for a couple of posts tomorrow as the blizzard hits us and then maybe 2 on Sunday. Next week I’ll have some cool new tech from the medical field to review! So that’s the update for today. Stay tuned!

Posts upcoming late this week

Hello everyone! Well, it’s been a busy past week posting and writing, watching and reading. I need a few days to work on the next upcoming articles. We have a look at my vintage Nintendo Game and Watch collection, California Games the VHS Board Game, and a look at my Atari 2600 Activision game collection all complete in the box! *Articles not necessarily in that order*

While I work on this here’s a flier for the classic point-and-click game Sam And Max Hit the Road from the ’90s! By the greatest point-and-click company out there… Lucasarts! If you have Good Old Games as your storefront for Computer Video Games this game is in their library and cheap! Worth every penny though it’s also on Steam (where I have it). At about 250MB – 300MB, in full pixel glory, there’s no reason not to give this hilarious P ‘n C (point and click) game a try!

Where have I been?

Been dealing with a load of medical issues. I apologize, I am as I write this finishing up viewing The Thing From Another World, and tomorrow/today I don’t even know the time, The Thing. But this weekend I hope to have a few things ready to launch every day for this long overdue hiatus that will be known as The Thing expose. I’d like to also show off my Game and Watch Gallery of games. I’ve got some rare ones and some that you will all be shocked at the quality and minty look. I’ve decided my collection needs some coverage as well. But one thing first the Thing… Until then here’s a look at a Garfield Bedroom Set from back in the day!


Watch out for Rootpal…

Let me take the time to put out a warning DO NOT USE the company rootpal. They will go offline for months at a time and not offer support, phone or chat goes offline and you are left with a site that is held hostage!!! I managed to get my site back and moved to my new host after MONTHS of downtime. I’m not even going to put a link to them. I picked up a lifetime wordpress hosting package though a very well known e-commerce site as a deal and had nothing but headaches after about what 6 months. AGAIN AVOID ROOTPAL!!!!
