The Last Faith

The Last Faith Beta – Thoughts

I was able to get in on a Beta test of the upcoming game The Last Faith. I have been very excited for a chance to get my paws on this one. I still refuse to use the term “Metroidvania” so we’ll just say this one is an action side scroller. It reminded me of Castlevania SOTN immediately.

Upon starting the beta there is no intro movie just a screen prompting you to pick your character type however only one is available. You have to play as the Brawler and I think this is because they want to push you into the combat system right away. The other classes are Rogue, Stargazer, and Marksman. I’m looking forward to playing a rogue class upon release.

The controls in this beta are HORRIBLE and I only hope they are not as stiff and unresponsive in the final game. When a game is built to be played in this way, controls will make you are break you! However again it’s a beta one can only expect so much.

The score is one track played over and over. It’s extremely melancholy to go with the gray color pallet and darkness you are presented with upon entering their world. NPCs are not very abundant however there are two. The voice acting is very well done and you can almost feel the anguish in their tone and the way they pronounce their words.

Enemies are not varied however again I have to go back to the fact this is a beta. They do taunt you verbally from time to time which is cool. They all fight in a certain way and you with your two main weapon options and a couple of secondary options have to make do with the horrible controls. Death was not quite common for me but it came enough at first that I became frustrated over deaths that had the controls been better wouldn’t have happened.

Anyway, to cut the article short it’s going to be a good one I feel! Now if you’ll excuse me I did pre-order Blapshmous II and that launches in less than 3 hours! So I have some things to get done before that marathon begins!

I’ve gathered a few screenshots while going on my adventure for your enjoyment below!


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