Hello everyone! Well, it’s been a busy past week posting and writing, watching and reading. I need a few days to work on the next upcoming articles. We have a look at my vintage Nintendo Game and Watch collection, California Games the VHS Board Game, and a look at my Atari 2600 Activision game collection all complete in the box! *Articles not necessarily in that order*
While I work on this here’s a flier for the classic point-and-click game Sam And Max Hit the Road from the ’90s! By the greatest point-and-click company out there… Lucasarts! If you have Good Old Games as your storefront for Computer Video Games this game is in their library and cheap! Worth every penny though it’s also on Steam (where I have it). At about 250MB – 300MB, in full pixel glory, there’s no reason not to give this hilarious P ‘n C (point and click) game a try!